
Friday 25 October 2013

How to Write the Perfect Profile Text for Fetish & Kink Community Websites

Writing about yourself is never easy. It's probably even harder when it comes to effectively communicating on subjects like your sexual desires, fantasies, kinks and fetishes.

If you have sucessfull profiles on kink / fetish community websites such as, if you have experience with writing profiles that 'work' and attract the right attention from people you actually might want to stay in touch with or even meet please share this here.

And if you are new and have questions or comments about profile-writing please ask!

Here are some of my tips / what I consider the most important things to keep in mind when writing your fet / kink profile text:

Be yourself!

Write exactly what you think and feel. Don't try to please anyone. You have got to like your profile - that's really the only thing that matters...

Write in the positive!

Rather than writing: 'I'm not looking for...' rather say what it is you ARE looking for. The only exception I think really should be something clearly worded to avoid the time-wasters and cock-picture senders (unless you're into that of course).

Keep it personal!

Write from your point of view, not the target's. Say what you want/like and why, not just what you're expecting. Ok, for example: (bad) ' my sub you're expected to do xyz' but rather (good) '...having a sub do xyz for me would make me feel...'

Also, I think it's really important to let people know WHY it is you've decided to be on that particular website with a profile... Is it to actually meet others, or rather to learn, to chat, to ask questions?

Why you're on this particular kink / fetish website with a profile is more important than what you're looking for. Try to be explicit (if that's you), but definitely try to be clear and honest!

Try to be exact about what you're looking for. And then write about that and let others know...

...and please, please, PLEASE! Make sure your spelling and grammar are correct. It just looks careless if you're hammering out an important text about yourself and then don't care enough about it to at least spell-check the thing!


Aidan xXx

BiZarre Events - London's Most Extreme Fetish Sex Parties!
Email: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1 comment:

  1. One of the first things I did when I first created a profile on one of the early-ish kink / fetish websites was to look at other people's profiles. I didn't really evaluate the content but rather I looked at HOW those profile texts were written, their 'tone of voice', were they just lists of things or were they almost conversational?

    Basically, I checked which profiles I found interesting and attractive. Which ones made me feel comfortable, in the sense of I felt they were written by an open minded, sane, witty person? Did I feel they were honest about themselves, are they sincere? Did they mention what they ARE looking for (rather than what they are NOT looking for = positive) for example? Did I get the feeling from their profile that the writer is actually interested in others, or were they just ranting about themselves..?

    That definitely helped me tremendously to also think about myself and what I wanted - and of course how best to communicate that to others.

