
Wednesday 16 October 2013

What actually is the difference between 'Kink' and 'Fetish'?

This question is not as straight-forward as it might appear at first sight... It'd be great to hear your own personal definitions please. Bring it on!


Aidan x

BiZarre Events - London's Most Extreme Fetish Sex Parties!
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  1. A fetish is something that is not necessarily sexual, but is needed to become aroused?

    Where as a kink, something that excites you, makes you smile but you don't necessarily 'need' it? I guess it's like a want and a need?

  2. I'd say a kink is something directly sexually related and a fetish can be a normal 'vanilla' thing that sexually arouses/pleases said person.

  3. Kink (sexual) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    In human sexuality, kinkiness or kinky (adjective), is a term used to refer to an intelligent and playful usage of sexual concepts which are overt, accentuated, unambiguously expressive of sexuality. The term derives from the idea of a "bend" (cf. a "kink") in one's sexual behaviour, to contrast suc...

  4. Fetishism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    A fetish (derived from the Frenchfétiche; which comes from the Portuguesefeitiço; and this in turn from Latinfacticius, "artificial" and facere, "to make") is an object believed to have supernatural powers, or in particular, a man-made object that has power over others. Essentially, fetishism is the...

  5. Sexual fetishism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Sexual fetishism, or erotic fetishism, is the sexual arousal a person receives from a physical object, or from a specific situation. The object or situation of interest is called the fetish; the person who has a fetish for that object/situation is a fetishist.[1] A sexual fetish may be regarded as a...

  6. Your question is actually multi-dimensional hence my use of the wiki references. Each requires an intellect or use of the mind and really isn't as you said in your opening, as simple as one might think >^-^<

  7. I'd say Fetish was on a more serious level. Kink, sounds cheeky, playfull, ooh la la...

  8. Thank you very much for your contribution! I particularly like the definition on kink as "an intelligent and playful usage of sexual concepts".

    Yes, it's certainly a complex affair, this kinky fetish business. ;-)

    And because of that and because of our status as potential cultural parihas, it is essential, I think, that we ourselves (as fetishists / kinksters) are clear about the actual meaning of those labels. It's interesting to notice how little in fact these terms are actually discussed in terms of their meaning, their connotations as removed from their attention-grabbing (sexual) context, even by us...

    I'm glad we've made a start here - again, thanks for your help with this!!!

    Love, Aidan xXx
