
Wednesday 27 November 2013

What About Pony Play..?

Here's a subject I happen to know not much about myself... The little bit I do know is that Pony Play is / can be highly aesthetic, beautiful and it seems very liberating and simply fun.

It's also a rather popular fetish and I thought it'd be nice to hear from you who are practicing Pony Play what this is really about for you, what your experiences are, how you got into it, etc. And please do feel free to also post pictures and photographs of course...

Again, thanks for sharing!

Love, Aidan xXx

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  1. Human Pony Play is quite complex in as much as the structure of it is complex. There are many different types of Ponies, trained in many different disciplines, from 'Furry Ponies' to the full blown BDSM Ponies. The scening can be about complete equine mimication right through to breeding (pony on pony) but generally Pony Play is not about 'physical sex' between pony and handler as bestiality is generally frowned upon by most ponies and handlers. Most ponies and handlers agree that pony play 'bonds' the participants in a much deeper way than most other forms of scening as it requires trust at a very primitive and basic level since it touches our 'animal instincts'. The first thing any pony and handler should do is identify 'which' sort of pony and 'which' sort of handler they are xxx

  2. Having decided on identities, both pony and handler should decide on what sort of look they wish to attain... The pony should work on their 'costume' and the handler similarly. Costume doesn't have to be expensive and many items can (with minimal skills) be 'homemade'. Basic costume for the pony is: Bit, ears & tail... For the handler: Jodphurs/trousers, shirt/blouse & Riding/Smart(ish) preferably tailored Jacket. Obviously if activities are to be undertaken then equipment will be needed for the chosen activity but again it doesn't have to cost a fortune (e.g: a jump can be created using old bricks/cavity blocks and a broom handle!). If the pony is to pull a cart then a harness and cart will be required and these 'can' be expensive (however a redundant wheelchair can quite easily be converted into a makeshift cart, but experience says don't scrimp on the quality of your harness - it has to take a lot of weight when the handlers is 'boarding' the cart!).xxx

  3. Training can start with 'line work' on a lunge rope however unlike other forms of scening, pony play does require a fair amount of space. The next fairly obvious step is 'dressage' which teaches the pony to respond to direction and movement. This can be fine tuned when training 'gaits' and also blinkers or even a blindfold to develop trust! As your skills develop there are competitions and events that can be attended (mostly in the USA ) and there are prizes that can be won. At all times though, as with any scening, safety is paramount and as the pony may not be able to fend for it's self, the handler must ensure the welfare of their pony is catered for. It is a good idea to define 'communication methods' between pony and handler BEFORE scening as often ponies purge all verbal communication in order to emulate the equine being more exactly. Besides, when was the last time you heard a pony speak? xxx There are many aspects of eroticism encapsulated in Pony Play so all I can say is enjoy it and remember to keep safety in mind as accidents can happen quite easily ( a pony with a broken ankle for instance is no use to anyone!) xxx

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  5. You all need to come Ireland where this almost was Xmas number 1 making us surely the only country in the world where Pony Play was part of mainstream culture.
