
Wednesday 4 December 2013

How and When Did You First Become Aware of Your Kink or Fetish?

It would be great to hear your stories about this!

Here is one of mine: A many of you know I've got a huge 'thing' for feet. Although I'm not always 100% sure what to actually do with them once I've got 'the pleasure' I do think feet are absolutely the sexiest, most beautiful thing EVER. ;-)

I became aware of an attraction to other peoples' feet when I was very young. I saw this young woman wearing lots of toe rings and going barefeet (very hippy, I know) and I just couldn't take my eyes of them.

Now, as I said I was still quite young and certainly hadn't worked out my sexuality by that stage. BUT I knew I found this 'image' arousing in some strange way.

Ever since I've played with the fantasy and later on with the reality of feet as a fetish. I really can't explain it - it's just there, and there is not an iota of doubt in my mind about that FEET ARE SEXY!!! Strange one that...

Over to you!

Love, Aidan x

BiZarre Events - London's Most Extreme Fetish Sex Parties!
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  1. Me and the other half have the same anti-kink (is that a proper thing?). We can't abide feet!

  2. Yes, intellectually I totally understand this of course, BUT it's just sooo different for myself... Very strange... How about you, what's your kink (if you care to share that is) and how did you 'find out about it? Axxx

  3. For what it's worth, a theory on feet... from being a toddler and before, you would be on the floor, your eye level would be of...feet.

    For me two things opened up a fetish... 1. Emma Peel on the Avengers, tight leather and bondage. 2. Climbing the ropes in PE at school. I didn't realise at the time but as I reached the top, I would orgasm, it was such a feeling I was the best at climbing them there ropes.

  4. If we were all the same it would be boring

    My kinks/fetishes do vary according to mood, but the sight of the other half's arse in a good, well fitting pair of jeans makes my brain just stop. That one snuck up on me as we'd been together for a few years and I always thought he had a great bum and then one day, I guess it must have been the angle of viewing or something, but wow! Brain stopped.

    I was thinking about our fetishes/kinks the other day, and as I'm 99% the subby one in our relationship, and I realised I have implicit trust in the other half. We discovered breath play together (by accident in a way that should have had any normal person at the very least sauntering to the hills) but I trust him. And that level of trust in another person is intoxicating. So yeah, a trust kink.

  5. Just a thought (and I understand that this might not necessarily be something freely shared here online): Has anyone potentially 'developed' a fetish following some sort of 'trauma'??? I'm asking this because I've heard people referring to this subject, but I know nothing about it myself.

  6. About 2 or so years ago, I never told anybody! I thought it was weird, I never even thought about exploring it, I don't exactly know how to explain why but I love them.. I daren't go into detail

    1. I should probably of pointed out I was talking about a foot fetish.

  7. I found out I had a foot fetish many years ago when I was just learning what masturbation was xD that was the only way I could masturbate even. I had to explore other things from my feet xD since then it is the one and only thing that will ensure me pleasure ^~^

  8. *sigh* i miss my dog and his tongue

  9. Licking the sweat off my hands after Christeene crowd surfed over me opened up a whole new kink!

  10. I've always loved high heels and the way a foot looks & feels when wearing them, especially when there is a hint of toe crease on show... as a child I used to love trying on my Mum's shoes (for which she was always telling me off!). I guess my love of bondage stems from when I was a baby and had to wear special boots with a metal bar connecting the heels to turn my feet out (I was born with bent feet).

    Then as I grew up I had to be buckled into a special brace between my legs at night to correct my knock knees so I guess I associate being bound & restricted with feeling safe as a child.

    Then I saw a picture of Pony girls in a magazine called Les Dommes and always wanted to be one. I then spent years studying BDSM and experimenting myself and once I was old enough to, I got some friends to arrange my consentual abduction into subservience with a very well off Master and things just went from strength to strength from then on until I eventually I became an accomplished Mistress in my own right.

    With my partner's help I now concentrate on Human Pony Play, promoting the scene as being the safest 'psychological' sex you can have and raising disability awareness within the scene xxx

  11. you need a Foot Slave - they also have tongues xxx

  12. i had one, my "dog" but he isnt good long term, not a people person and now i have a boyfriend who doesnt want to share me lol

  13. Then train your boyfriend to be your new doggy lol xxx

  14. he isn't like that, more like my equal... basically it is easy to light my fire but he is able to keep the fire burning where others flake off and let the fire die

  15. How about a gay puppy? We met a few at Erotica in the Puppy Pride Exhibit... then your boyfriend wouldn't have to worry about the Puppy Fancying you? xxx

  16. Failing that try a sheep... at least you could say you got it to keep the grass cut! xxx

  17. te hee... trust me, i would love to have a pet, female would be fun as i get more Domme a lot faster with women and he is curious about exploring but for now it is about building trust

  18. Ahhhh... You need a Pony then! Sorry but I'm spoken for xxx lol

  19. lol i don't really get pony play, doesnt do anything for me

  20. i get the "idea" ... it just doesnt do anything for me, no stimulation in any way

  21. Two major events opened my eyes to me having a kinky side one (most traumatic) was bein controlled and daily forced into sex by my then partner for 14yrs, although i finally got away and get to now call the shots, i was left with the the distinct liking of forced sex and rape scenario (though one area has a definate no entry sign) the second was learning to be a sports massues, found certain very painful muscle releases (groin and deep in the buttocks) while being practiced on would make me orgasm, at the time it was very difficult to hide, not that any of the trainiees minded they hated being guinneypigs and were glad to be the one inflicting the pain lol

  22. i have always been a sub, but it made me open to abuse. i had been in abusive vanilla relationships most of my life, including the one with my mother. i was controlled and forced. my vanilla partners used my submissiveness against me and called me a freak of nature. Now i submit to Master, through choice. The first time i reached subspace it was a release from the past. It was almost therapy. i was free. now i understand myself, i feel i have come home. when times are stressful i know He is there for me and the psychological bond we share is quite simply indescribable.

  23. *snuggles tight* glad you can be happy and have your needs/desires met

  24. Skintight clothing triggered my path to latex and bdsm just came with it. Roleplay as a pony also is of great interest to me. The release, the obedience, the exhibitionism... stunning.
