
Sunday 8 December 2013

How To Please Your Submissive

Ok, let's turn the tables here... How do you please your submissive?

All consensual relationships obviously are give & take and your subbie will have their requirements, needs, wants and also enjoy some special 'treats', right?

It'd be nice to hear from you what you do to make sure your sub's 'happy' and content. How do you look after them?

And you subbies, please tell us what pleases you, makes you happy, where your special delight comes from and what it is about?

Thanks for sharing,

Aidan xXx

BiZarre Events - London's Most Extreme Fetish Sex Parties!
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  1. As a retired Pro-Domme, I knew my subs were pleased if they left with a smile and returned for more!... How do you please them?... Listen to what they wish to get from a scene with you and try not to deviate from those desires, put them at ease before you start by showing them that their safety is paramount. Set down ground rules so that no-one gets upset by 'overstepping the mark' and as far as treats are concerned, I used to find that if sexual release was required then merely to 'allow' the sub time on their own in a private space after each session was sufficient (This allowed me to operate a strict "No sexual contact policy"). Another treat I used was to 'favour the sub' as my pet, allowing them to accompany me to an event or evening out! Of course more simple treats can be used - jelly tots, chocolate eggs, mints are good as edible treats however as with sugar cubes in Pony Play, be aware that sugary treats can cause a sugar rush and may not be suitable if your sub has diabetes or another sugar sensitive ailment. xxx

  2. A good tip if you scene with different people a lot is - always keep a note pad and pen/pencil handy. Make notes BEFORE scening about what the sub wants and don't be afraid to refer to the notes you have made during a scene! It all helps keep your subs happy little insignificants! xxx
