
Sunday 2 February 2014

Aftercare - How Do You Do It?

Aftercare, following a BDSM / Kink 'play scene' is very, very important in my opinion. But preciously little is it a subject for discussion, from what I gather...

It'd be great to hear from you Dom(me)s and subs what you think.

For example:
  • What do you do for aftercare?
  • Also, how do you do it?
  • What is important to you?
  • Does aftercare feature in your 'play scene' negotiations?
  • What about when playing with a long-term partner versus when playing with a casual partner?
Looking forward to hearing people's thoughts on this!


Aidan xXx

BiZarre Events - London's Most Extreme Fetish Sex Parties!
Email: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


  1. Aftercare is about KNOWING!

    It's about understanding what the effects of what you are doing to your sub can do to their bodies, both physically and chemically. Some side effects of this can take time to show up, such as Adrenalin overload can cause disorientation, shaking, loss of muscle control, palpitations and convulsions or an Endorphin overload can actually cause someone to pass out.

    Also when the body produces these chemicals it saps sugar from the blood stream and liquids from the body in vast amounts so it is important to replace these after a scene with plenty of sugary drinks (not fizzy drinks though).

    Also the type of after care you need to give depends on the sub you are scening with... what pre-existing medical conditions do they have? For instance you cannot use electro-stim on people with epilepsy or any electrical implants or you cannot break the skin of people with certain blood disorders because their blood may not clot and they could bleed to death from a very slight laceration! Know what you are dealing with BEFORE YOU SCENE and it will help you to know what after care you will need to give.

    Often the best after care is a stroking session for the sub to calm them down or a hug. Make sure you sit them down too so that all the exertion on their body is removed and stay with them for a while afterwards just to make sure they are ok. If you know how it's a good idea to take their pulse about 15 minutes after the scene to see that it has returned to normal rate. At the same time you can visually assess their condition.

    All this will re-assure the sub that you care about them and for new nervous subs this is especially important. It also shows professionalism and a knowledge of what you are doing which will also impress the sub. IN SHORT: Research = knowledge = safe scening! xxx

  2. i wish i could be hired as a snuggle/cuddle person for aftercare... i am good at helping people to calm, center, find themselves and feel safe and warm
